Breastfeeding in 2020


Before I had my first daughter I had some knowledge on breastfeeding, I’d been supporting women through pregnancy so it was important for me to have some awareness. But when she was born and I had trouble getting her to latch- nothing prepared me for the overwhelming few days in front of me till we worked out what was going on.

We were living in Dubai at the time and the number of resources that we knew of were limited. Thankfully it was my husband who picked up the phone and called the number for a lactation Doctor we had been given the details of in our HypnoBirthing classes. The relief I felt when she worked out how to help was amazing. It still took a few weeks for us to “get it” but having her to help support me made the world of difference.

Right now in 2020, amidst the Covid 19 pandemic, I think women are feeling worried and fearful about what having their baby looks like. Hospital policies are changing for antenatal appointments, birthing practices are changing especially around the number of support people and visitors and so I think it’s natural that some women are also questioning breastfeeding.

To help you prepare for a really healthy breastfeeding journey in 2020 and beyond I spoke to Amberley Harris of Maternal Instincts by Amberley. Her message was clear in regards to the Covid 19 pandemic that the relevant bodies still definitely recommend breastfeeding right now. Knowing that, preparation for breastfeeding now looks similar and I think 2 really key messages she had was to learn as much as you can about breastfeeding while you’re pregnant and to feel really confident to reach out for support before baby is born and at any stage of your breastfeeding journey.

Amberley was very generous with her practical tips and wisdom in regards to the information you need to source out and learn while you’re still pregnant, antenatal expressing of colostrum, the breast crawl, supporting healthy latch, common feeding issues and feeding on your baby’s demand.

If you’re pregnant, even early in pregnancy, getting ready to meet your baby, or already breastfeeding I highly enourage you to watch the interview below and hear all of Amberley’s amazing insights.